Friday, January 31, 2020

Relationship Between Depression and Addiction Essay Example for Free

Relationship Between Depression and Addiction Essay Depression is a psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty thinking and concentrating, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, and low self-esteem. I’m going to show how it all can affect each other. Depression can be both genetically inherited and brought on by a traumatic experience either as a child or adult. â€Å"Community studies have estimated the 24% of women and 15% of men will at some point in their lives is clinically depressed. † (Zautra. Emotions, Stress, and Health, pg. 133). Depression is an extended period of disturbance in both positive and negative affect systems. A black period in a person’s life can have a lot of negative emotion and very little positive emotions. You could have a great day and then next thing you know you’re in a depressive state. This can be attributed to various stressful events or small instances that can set a depressive state into motion. Everyday emotions or stressors can lead to feelings of hopelessness and low self-esteem. â€Å"Large depression is the stuff of breakdowns. † (Solomon. The Noonday Demon, pg. 17). Depression is like a building rusting over the years but with grief and insecurities that eventually collapse. There are two models of depression: The first is the dimensional: it is on a continuum with sadness that represents an extreme version. The second is the categorical: this describes depression as an illness separate from other emotions. Within depression one of the first things to go is happiness, but soon after your other emotions follow. Some of these other emotions are sadness, your sense of humor, and your belief in and capacity for love. Depression is highly dramatic and visibly different. Depression exists in time. Depression also doubles the risk of heart attacks. It’s insipid, fogs the days, disables the color in each day and weakens ordinary action. It leaves you tired, bored and self-obsessed. It takes away trust in any relationship, you start to think that people are talking about you or they don’t love you. You start to think that they don’t care. Some people are so debilitated that they shut down and push everybody away. Depression is an intense dark place; it causes uncertainty and loss of control. When you have an episode you can’t find your balance to right it. When it comes it degrades one’s self and ultimately eclipses the ability to give or receive affections. You end up going along the gradual path or a sudden trigger of emotion that brings you to a place that’s generally different than reality. You feel you are turning into something feeble, like a child that more and more of you will just blow away in the wind. It makes you feel less and less than normal. It makes you feel insignificant and you start to doubt your worth. It’s not the consequence of a reduced level of anything we can measure. It hits people in different ways. Some are predisposed to resist or battle through it; some are helpless in its grip. According to recent research, about 3% of Americans – some 19 million – suffer from chronic depression. More than 2 million of those are children. †(Solomon. The Noonday Demon. Pg. 25). Depression claims more years than war, cancer and AIDS. Pills and love are 2 ways forward. It now exists as a personal and a social phenomenon. In order to treat depression you need to understand the experience of a breakdown, the mode of action, medication, and the most common talking therapy. Intelligent treatment requires close examination on specific variants of depression. Children, elderly and gender are some of these variants. Substance abusers form a very large subcategory of their own. They disguise the depressive illness by self-medicating with alcohol and drugs. Depression and substance abuse form a cycle. People who are depressed abuse substances in a way to free themselves from feeling depressed. Some people who abuse substances disrupt their lives to the point that they become depressed. Drug and alcohol addiction can be classified as genetic. Addiction is also considered an illness. Some people abuse drugs and alcohol to escape the horrors of their family and work situations. Some use because they were abused physically and mentally. Other because of losing their children, employment or marital breakdowns. Substance abuse results in enormous costs to the abuser and their families. As in depression, feelings of loneliness and lack of positive emotion are a source of why addiction starts. I found as an addict myself that to control my emotions; I would use cocaine to escape. I abused drugs to survive through my emotions. This avoidance of pain, combined with the misinterpreting of the feeling of wanting may be what underlines the treadmill of addiction. Cocaine seems to block dopamine uptake, so that you have more floating around in your brain; morphine causes the release of dopamine. Research shows that if the brain is constantly flooded with dopamine it will develop a resistance to the drug. It’s why we as addicts need more and more to get high. When addicts go into recovery, they no longer have the excessive release of dopamine. They start to feel flat and depressed. Others with family histories of addiction tend to have lower levels of endorphins than those who are genetically and inclined to addiction. A depressed individual is likely to become addicted more rapidly than a person who isn’t depressed. Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are the legal substances abused. Alcohol can do a great job of drowning out the pain. Cocaine is an expensive drug that causes a major crash after 48-72 hrs. It consistently depletes your neuron stores. This causes the crash. When you finally crash you have major fatigue, agitation and depression. Cocaine is considered to be a long term depression augmenter. Depression enables addicts. Depression weakens you and weakness is the surest path to addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12 step programs provide supportive settings in which people can safely share about their experiences with alcohol, depression and their own fears. With a sponsor and a therapist you can start on the path to healing yourself. Realizing what you need to change about yourself gives you the power to move on and eventually help others. It one of the hardest processes admitting that you are an addict. I know for me going back will kill me. Depression for me depletes my energy and causes me not to care about anything.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Assess whether you believe that representations of women in mens magazines such as Loaded and FHM are offensive and in poor taste. :: essays research papers fc

For those who have not taken the time to read a selection of men’s magazines they may associate them with pornography or sport. Since the mid-90s, a crop of very successful magazines aimed at young men has emerged, spearheaded by the controversial Loaded. It is important for me to establish early on in this essay that men’s magazines such as loaded and FHM, are general lifestyle magazines; the modern men's magazine is about sports and cars as well as sex, fashion, women, and humour. This essay will consider whether the sexual nature of these magazines is insulting and tasteless. One must bear in mind that taste depends on the individual; it is a personal judgement. What some people find in good humour others may find vulgar. As the notion of what is acceptable in our society varies over time so clearly it varies from one person to another. Men’s magazines, such as Loaded and FHM, could be looked at as offensive to both men and women as they reinforce stereotypical images of macho men and sexist attitudes to there readers. Feminist, Robin Morgan made some very bold statements when she wrote about pornography, she said that it encouraged sexual violence and rape against women: â€Å"Pornography is the theory, rape is the practice† She refers to pornography as humiliating women â€Å"Women are hurt and economically and sexually exploited in the production of pornography.† (1) Yet isn’t it a brazen statement to refer to these magazines as pornography? David Gauntlett argues: â€Å"Men’s magazines are purely for entertainment, they are not seriously on a crusade to return to a pre feminist ideal or harm anyone in an attempt to provide entertainment.† (2) This is a common opinion where most readers are concerned. I feel there is an important difference where sexist attitudes come into play, between lifestyle magazines and magazines such as Top Gear or other car magazines which have half naked females draped across the body, for no apparent reason – as she isn’t an accessory to the car! Lifestyle magazines generally do portray women in a sexual way; they conjure up a shallow and unrealistic view. Some argue that the emergence of such magazines is an attempt to regain male dominance. Lacey suggests that it is the diminishing of men's power that has resulted in publications like FHM and Loaded, he says that the celebration of 'laddishness' is a desperate attempt to grasp what is left of traditional male identity.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Ethical Leadership Reputation Matrix Essay

1. â€Å"There is no I in Team.† One for all and all for one best describes utilitarianism 2. â€Å"There is no I in team, but there is an M and a E (me).† To seek the greatest amount of pleasure for self and the majority of the group best describes Hedonism. 3. â€Å"I will do my best to do my duty†¦Ã¢â‚¬  To strive for excellence in everything you and others do and say best describes   Deontology. Multiple Choice 4. According to the Executive Ethical Leadership Reputation Matrix, is an executive characterized as a weak â€Å"moral person† and a strong â€Å"moral manager.† a) Unethical leader b) Ethical leader c) Ethically neutral leader d) Hypocritical leader 5. According to the Executive Ethical Leadership Reputation Matrix, is an executive characterized as a strong â€Å"moral person† and a strong â€Å"moral manager.† a) Unethical leader b) Ethical leader c) Ethically neutral leader d) Hypocritical leader 6. Which of the following is false? C a) Any attempt to change an organization’s ethics must consider the entire cultural system. b) A cultural system includes both formal and informal systems. c) An effective culture change may take as long as 1 to 2 years. d) New rules and values must be reinforced via training programs and reward systems. 7. Weak organizational cultures are: B a) desirable if an organization has many subcultures. b) desirable if an organization wants diversity of thought and action. c) desirable if an organization wants behavioral consistency. d) undesirable in all situations. 8. True or False? Given the less hierarchical organizational structures that are more common place today, it is less important to have strongly aligned ethical culture to guide employees in their independent decision-making. False 9. It is sufficient for executive leaders to be ethical persons and make ethical decisions. Employees do as they see. False 10. Cognitive moral development tells us that most people are looking outside of themselves for guidance on decision-making. This means that stated organizational policy can be an important source of guidance for employees in making decisions. True 11. The more a firm demands unquestioning obedience to authority, the more likely the firm will experience higher levels of unethical conduct among their employees. True 12. Describing the decision-making process in the language of ethics does not help individuals make more ethical decisions. False 13. An ethical culture is maintained through alignment between the formal and informal systems. True 14. A 2006 study found that 82 percent of Americans would prefer to be paid less but work for an ethical company than be paid more and work for an unethical company. True Reference: Matching Key Terms and Definitions a) Strong organizational culture b) Weak organizational culture c) Socialization (or enculturation) 15. Standards and guidelines that are known and widely shared by all. A 16. Subcultures within divisions or departments that are more likely to guide behavior. B 17. Process promoted through formal and informal transmission of norms. C Reference: Matching Key Terms and Definitions a) Heroes b) Norms c) Rituals d) Myths 18. Symbolically tells employees what the organization wants them to do and how it expects them to do it. C 19. Standards of behavior that are accepted as appropriate by members of a group. B 20. Symbolic figures who set standards of performance by modeling certain behaviors. A 21. Anecdotes about a sequence of events drawn from an organization’s history. D True or False? 22. It is unethical for managers to â€Å"control† employees’ ethical behavior through direct management and the organization’s formal and informal cultural systems. False Multiple Choice 23. Students may need more ethics training because research has found that they rank lower in moral reasoning than other students. a) Philosophy b) Political science c) Business d) Medicine 24. Ethical behavior can be influenced by a) an individual’s religion b) an organization’s culture c) ethical training d) an individual’s personality e) all of the above 25. According to the authors, ethical behavior is defined as: a) a set of moral principles or values that guide an individual b) rules of behavior set by the Federal government c) principles, norms, and standards agreed upon by society d) none of the above True or False? 26. According to the authors, most people are guided by a strict internal moral compass and will False 27. When employees come to an organization, they have already developed into â€Å"good† or â€Å"bad† apples. Therefore, there is little a manager can do to impact an employee’s ethical behavior. False 28. Federal laws define what is ethical. Therefore, all unethical behavior is considered unlawful. False 29. Discarding the few â€Å"bad apples† will usually solve all of the ethical problems within an organization. False Multiple Choice 30. of the following statements about the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Anti-Bribery Convention (the â€Å"Convention†) which are untrue. a.Participating countries include countries in Western Europe and North America b.The Convention requires signatories to make it a crime to bribe foreign public officials c.The Convention includes the application of criminal penalties d.The Convention bans gifts to political parties e.The Convention outlaws tax deductibility for bribes f.All are statements are true g.Statements d and e are untrue Bonus Questions: IBriefly describe and provide examples of three steps involved in changing an organization’s culture. 1. Diagnosis of the current state of the organization’s culture 2. Implementing a plan of change 3. Evaluating the state of the organizational culture after a plan has been implemented. IIIs there a difference between ethics, and morals? Explain your answer. Ethics is what is considered a right course of actions. (The Norm) Morals are what you consider a right course of action. (Personal Belief) IIIExplain why ethics without religion appears beneficial to the Theist as well as the Non-theist (Atheist)? Ethics without religion is an acceptable norm for theists and non-theists. An example of ethics without religion may include traffic lights. They are created for the greater good of society without regards to religious beliefs.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Commentary on Lorna Sage, Bad Blood (2000) Essay - 1146 Words

Commentary on Lorna Sage, Bad Blood (2000) This passage revolves around a young girls life, how it has changed and what it has become. It is ironically, how a friendship has evolved into something that the two girls who are exposed in this passage have never thought it would become. Sage introduces us to what we can conclude to be herself in the first paragraph of this passage, whilst introducing us to her dear friend (or shall we say greatest enemy?) in the second paragraph. The relationship between Gail and the narrator is one of typical young girls relationships with another girl. Sage develops the relationship between these two young girls from two very contradicting ways; Hate to Love. As the narrator mentions;†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦holding hands painfully, giggling together hysterically†¦ If this was read about a guy and a girl, the reader would quite quickly come to the conclusion of a special kind of relationship being introduced, but this one friendship isnt like this. This friendship is consistent of the truth and of the honestly and loyalty towards the other. That is what the holding hands painfully can be referring to. The girls do not want to let go of this friendship, theyve been through a lot and they are not willing to let something come in and take that away from them†¦but, also, does that imply on anything? ...days of our adolescent intimacy†¦ In which point of view can we take this quote? Doesnt this usually imply on a strong relationship between two people? One that consists of love, warmth and of - for sure - intimacy? You cant go around now and hear a girl saying that she has had days of adolescent intimacy with another girl without thinking that something isnt right†¦right? And, adolescences is a period of time when two people should come together and figure out the feelings they have towards each other†¦to figure out why it is really classified as intimate and not something different, something filled with a little bit less of love. The word hell, what does that imply to? Pain? Ache? Struggle? Or all three? The first passage, or to be more specific, the firstShow MoreRelatedRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 Pagesof â€Å"souls on ice,† and of dismembered beings. Babylon is the psychic image sustained by real life experiences, busted hopes, broken dreams, the blues of broken homes and of disjointed tribes of people trapped by history. It is an image of ï ¬ re and blood, of being on the edge, in limbo, in the wilderness, in concrete jungles. . . . It is a desolation in which man feels disjointed and out of line with the plans of creation.16 Reggaes most famous superstar, Bob Marley, echoes Forsythes feeling of